Friday, 19 February 2016

My son has made 251 Freedom! Shocked parents grocery shop

My son has made Freedom 251

Garhipukhatara cashbox sits in front of grocery stores handling everyday business, like Rajesh Goel. Bharatamaya mohitake son of fuss now. Rajesh has understood something of the boy's father. But the smart phone is exactly what it is, and just how much the phenomenal price of Rs 51, it is still completely obscure town in Uttar Pradesh, the grocery vendors dhokeni head. In all, around 251 smart phones, however, that the fuss surrounding the Freedom, the Goel family in illusion.
Smart phones announced at just 51, has been cast nationwide uproar that 'ringim Bells', Mohit Goel, Managing Director of the company. Rajesh Goel father into the company's Board of dayarektarasa Mohit said. Was not with his father to borrow money from the capital, he opened ringim Bales. Store management phamkei said Rajesh, son of great things in life that she was welcome. But when you borrow money to open mobile phone maker agencies gave these companies still did not understand the whole India will be surprised. Will be the topic of discussion in the media world.

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