Saturday, 16 January 2016

US missile, the ISIS Britain's chest kampacche brimastona

State-of-the-book kampacche Britain brimastona

State-of-the-book kampacche Britain brimastona

US air force began to compete for the war in Syria birtenera Royal Air Force. The small size of the British missiles are burned brimastona enemy bases. The accuracy of the Taliban in Afghanistan are striking brimastona that became the biggest fear that the United helaphayara missiles, it can not rise and set with the British brimastonera.
ISO hidden using militants in the capital city of Syria. Marurastrera to the occupation of vast areas of the State, but the United States, Russia, Britain, France, after the start of the bombing has started to shrink gradually liberated of ISIS. But until recently were hidden using the impregnable bastion of the IS and the surrounding area. Racan had to think twice before flying in the sky or the Russian air force to NATO. But after Britain raised its terror has intensified ISO brimastona missiles into the camp. Because of the small size is not sufficient during the brimastona Vast missiles, aiming as it takes the object, there is no way to protect her. Due to the small size of many of the light and can be carried in a yuddhabimane brimastona. Brimastona from targeted military targets that were fired, the missile hit it perfectly. Defence experts say, in brimastonera is fitted with a special type of radar. Milimetrika wave radar's name. Such redare 'Seeker' is. Photo shoot missiles out of the sky before the Seeker, who showed that the target is, the goal is to move at the speed of the moveable brimastona missiles. That is, if the target vehicles, tanks or any other moving object, it is said there is no problem. Let them try to escape as quickly as begei approaching missiles at opponents, there is no way to get away. The target object has been built up since redare brimastonera picture, he targeted because of the change of the times, the goal is to change the direction of the missile, the more often the devastating strikes.

Using these deadly missiles have multiple ISO kamyandarake moving car has already gone a British Royal Air Force. State-of-the multiple convoy blew. Several fighters have been kyamophlaja brimastonera horrific injuries in a fire base.

American helaphayara-and apparently missile. Helaphayara achieved success on the battlefield in Afghanistan, using the US Air Force. Britain's brimastona used. But then this milimetrika brimastone wave radar was not. This is the perfect time to helaphayarera brimastona could not hit. Brimastona radar missiles in the Afghan war experiences applied in Britain. The new version of the war in Syria brimastonera United helaphayarera performance is the ace in the case. The missile strike many important bases of ISIS has already been destroyed. Have been killed and nearly a dozen top commander. Who fear the Syrian desert, the IS brimastona to the biggest panic.

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