Tuesday, 13 October 2015

A new enemy to face increased tejasa

Against the increasing power of the enemy

As the pride of fighter jets to Pakistan JF -17 whatever, to crush the pride of tejasa yuddhabimanake is strengthening. One soldier adhikakikera words, the way it is being arranged saktisambhare tejasa-K JF-17 combat aircraft such as the blink of an eye can raze. The official also said, it is only possible when tejasake active array radar, electronic skyanda (eesaie), Mid-Air Refuelling, long-range missiles that will be bahanaksama. The task of trying to recover by the end of 202425.
DRDO and Hal will be made jointly tejasake stronger. It was so light combat aircraft (elasie) tribe. This is now the fifth generation Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft tejasake (eemasie) will be turned on.
Tejasake was made a member of the Indian Air Force in 1983. 400 km range, the aircraft typically used to help the military to slaughter satrapaksake. By the end of 2025, 10 MiG-21 and MiG-27 was changed to 4. So to fill the place of trying to come up with new forms tejasake.

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