Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The Indian Space

 Indian Space 

 Indian Space 

Five, four, three, two, one .....
Resh computation before the flames spread phumre sky rocket URL. Within a few seconds pulikata lake adjacent to the Satish Dhawan sriharikotara mahakasakendra gumagumaguma the perception of sound in his response. There was utksepanasthalera seven kilometers away from the media center. Urdhbagamanera counter the impact of the rocket by pushing the four-story house was shaken by quake!
Monday morning at ten-minute ride on the way to become the rocket in space travel was -30 C ayastrosyata piesaelabhi. India's own satellite technology, on which the various mysteries of the universe, including black holes barteche in charge of the search. Over the space of five years, he served as the revolution can be beaten. Paryabeksanakendrera to his role. Gradually, the clouds disappeared and that the sight-piesaelabhi. Spread across the sky to mark her. One slice of the narrow road through the clouds book! Draw draw!
During the quarter hour. A press conference for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) officials said, two minutes of the clock measuring just 10 "angel" has reached fifty kilometers above the earth's surface into orbit. He got off the solar panels to provide energy. He's such a long way and quite fresh. Indian ISRO's satellite center director, said annadurai milasbami, ayastrosyatera photos yet a couple of months. Initial analysis of the images will take about four more months to reach a decision can be taken.
Whatever he is, to be successful launch greeting turn Twitter-Facebook. Modi congratulated on Twitter isaroke. The project 'texts recount the birth' of the Inter-University Centre of Facebook have reminisced Pune for Astronomy and Astrophysics (aiiuka) currently director Roy somaka. Wrote in 1996 at ISRO headquarters in Bangalore, a project that was proposed. ISRO chairman then gave the consent krsnasbami kasturirangana.
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Pune aiiuka, Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, the country's leading research institutions join hands with the first real look at the plans of ISRO said. The success of the space program in the hands of the new steps were skipped. So far, his trip was limited in space or on the moon-Mars. At times the space of its own astronomical observatory stock, jyotihpadarthabidyara began theoretical research in India. And came to the 'elite' list. What is it?
The United States (with the EU), Russia and Japan have a research arm. India is the fourth country list. '' Thanks to the successful conquest of the moon-Mars spacecraft and launch-technology, the US space agency (NASA) and the European Space Agency (Esa), the collision with the place we had gone. A bright feather in the crown of the success of the day, one of the scientists added .''-.
What added to his explanation, the researchers say many different cosmic ray has been set for identifying ayastrosyate five-five "eyes." For the benefit of the information that they would not be dependent on foreigners. Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, Sujan Sengupta responded, 'Now we have reached the place of the transaction data.' '
ISRO-sources: in search of the mysteries of the universe in 1990 jointly by NASA and the European Union 'Hubble' as a telescope sent into space, over the last 5 years has been providing various types of information. 005 In Japan, after Russia sent similar teliskopabahi Hubble space satellite data, the researchers had to rely on the original. Many people now ayastrosyatake Indian Hubble as a call has started. Compare the two had begun.
However, the public does not want to be compared to terminate the heads of ISRO. They say, ayastrosyatera great difference with Hubble. In fact, sources at ISRO chairman AS kiranakumara focused on the Indian project "nijasbatara context. The right not to compare ayastrosyata Hubble. But ayastrosyate X-ray or ultraviolet light scanning the sky with telescopes and monitor fishing in the placement of the device has enough modern than the current period. 'Hubble made a great case for research. We are not big enough, but something in the form of individual .''- have kept his comments.
Although not directly challenge the developed world, virtually threw the ISRO chairman.

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